Credit Suisse Assessment Tests 2024/25. The Ultimate Guide.

The text below provides a full candidate recruitment, assessment and preparation guide and practice for those applying to jobs, internships and graduate programs at Credit Suisse. Our website provides scientifically validated practice assessments tests, interviews and assessment centre exercises that can be used to practice and prepare for the recruitment and assessment process.  Check here […]

SHL Verbal Reasoning Tests for Managers and Graduates (VMG)

Overview Verbal Reasoning Tests (VRTs) looks at your ability to reason with information provided in passages of text You do not need to have a large variety of tests to improve – focussing on a handful of tests repeatedly will encourage deeper learning and understanding, which is better than spreading yourself thinly across say 15 Verbal tests […]

ABLE® – Aptitude for Business Learning Exercises

Key Tips The ABLE tests are used to assess a candidate’s potential to be successful in the job role There are 10 varieties of these tests to be used for various job types (e.g. Finance). Only 3 of these test are used at graduate level (see below) The tests are delivered in supervised conditions (i.e. with an […]


  • 40 Full SHL Style Numerical, Verbal and Logical Tests
  • 2 Situational Judgement Tests (SJT)
  • OPQ Style, Personality Questionnaire
  • 7 IBM IPAT Tests, Watson Glaser Test
  • 3 CAPP Tests
  • CBI Interview Question Identifier Toolkit
  • Assessment Center Exercises: Presentation, Group, In-tray, Written


  • 21 Full SHL Style Numerical, Verbal and Logical Tests
  • 2 Situational Judgement Tests (SJT)
  • OPQ Style, Personality Questionnaire
  • 7 IBM IPAT Tests, 2 Watson Glaser Test
  • 3 CAPP Tests
  • CBI Interview Question Identifier Toolkit
  • Assessment Center Exercises: Presentation, Group, In-tray, Written, Case Study
  • Video Interviews – AI Powered
  • 11 Game-based Assessments